TIME RADIO Unfortunately, Hog Time Radio is no longer streaming 24/7 (scroll down for the reason). However, you can still listen to playlists of the type of music we were streaming here or here. Neither requires you to sign-up. Many thanks to all of you who listened to Hog Time Radio over the last almost 5 years, even if only every now and then. We are going to miss it, too. :) Check back here from time to time to see if we have restarted streaming. Email us here 1/31/16: Unfortunately, recent changes to music streaming royalties by the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) have put Hog Time Radio off the air. The royalties didn't go up that much, but a past provision for lower rates for "small webcasters" (like us and 1000s of others) wasn't renewed. Therefore, our streaming service, Live365.com, closed down on 1/31/16. If you want to complain about all this, you might want to sign the petition here, although it likely won't do any good. |